One day, a business finds itself in a pickle.

It’s been gathering momentum, taking on new customers and hiring people. The future has arrived. There is suddenly more load, and so the people and processes inside the organization are strained to their max.

Someone has the bright idea to implement a new piece of software to help. The promise is tantalizing – this software will “save time” and “provide all kinds of new efficiencies”. 

Time is of the essence, a quick decision is made, and the new tool is implemented.

And then, after hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless person-hours, the efficiency… doesn’t materialize. In fact, the new fancy ERP, tool, or project management software becomes a burden on the system and an inefficiency for the people who have to use it. 

The best-case scenario at this point is that everyone at the organization now despises and resents this new tool for the disruption it caused. The worst-case scenario is that, now short of resources and patience, the business begins to suffer.

This story may sound familiar. (If it doesn’t sound familiar, you or the organizations you have come into contact with are amazing! Please contact us to share your – or their – secrets.)

What are some benefits of Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation initiatives encompass the strategic integration of digital technologies and tools to revolutionize business processes, resulting in a successful transformation of an organization’s digital landscape. By adeptly embracing new technologies and incorporating innovative digital tools, astute business leaders can attain enhanced operational efficiency, optimizing resource allocation and mitigating manual errors. These cutting-edge digital advancements simultaneously pave the way for an elevated customer experience, as organizations adeptly engage clientele through an array of digital channels, tailoring interactions to precise individual preferences.

Furthermore, the data-driven insights harnessed from the triumphant execution of digital transformation initiatives empower sagacious business leaders to make well-informed, strategic decisions. This includes the astute identification of trends and the adept capitalization on emerging opportunities, all within the dynamic and ever-evolving terrain of modern business.

Benefits of this process include…

  1. Enhanced Operational Efficiency: By digitizing processes, automating tasks, and leveraging data analytics, organizations can streamline operations, reduce manual errors, and optimize resource allocation. This results in improved productivity and cost savings.
  2. Improved Customer Experience: Digital transformation allows organizations to engage with customers through multiple digital channels, offering personalized experiences and quick responses. This enhances customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention rates.
  3. Informed Decision-Making: Through data-driven insights, digital transformation enables informed and strategic decision-making. Real-time analytics provide valuable information that empowers organizations to identify trends, foresee challenges, and capitalize on opportunities in a rapidly changing business landscape.

We are going to help you make better decisions today, starting with a truth: The situation above was not a digital transformation.

Digital transformation is: the alignment of process, technology, and people to solve problems and increase efficiencies.

Whether you have attempted digital transformation in the past and encountered the frustration of lost resources and increased agitation, OR you are considering digital transformation and want to do it right…

Here are 4 tricks that Evolved Metrics uses to guide digital transformation projects.

  1. Access Control: An intranet allows you to set access controls and permissions, ensuring that only authorized employees have access to specific information and resources. This helps to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.
  2. Document the affected processes. Often we see businesses who have tried to find a catch-all software solution rather than focusing on the process that matters the most. Determine which process you want to optimize, and spend the time writing out that process, drawing it, and interrogating it. By understanding how the process works, you will minimize implementation costs, increase efficiency, and may even change your mind on which software is the most effective solution.
  3. Thoroughly research and interview software vendors. Digital transformation projects often fail because there’s no alignment between the problem and the tool that is supposed to solve it. By doing steps 1 and 2, you now have a lot of useful information and knowledge. Use it to do research and interview vendors. Ask them to show you instances where their product has solved similar issues for similar people and keep an eye out for gaps. If they have empty promises and no evidence, be wary.
  4. Plan for the change. Continue meeting with people who will be most impacted by this new tool. It’s important to keep them in the loop, involve them in the implementation, and give them some power over how it will work. There is a giant myth in digital transformation, which is that better software is the only thing you need to improve efficiency. It is not! Not alone. If you don’t have enthusiastic buy-in and develop clear lines of communication, transparent goals and timelines, and collaborative training with your people, even the best software will not fulfill its potential.

If you do these four things, you can overcome what we’ve coined the “mythical divide” in digital transformation and develop a solution that is custom-fit for your organization, easy to use for your people, and increases not only productivity but satisfaction.

Get clear on your transformation priorities and be effective with your resources at our FREE Digital & Human Transformation Webinar.

We are hosting a 30-minute webinar on June 21, 2023 to discuss what great digital transformation can do for your organization and what steps to take next. Register today!

Successful Digital Transformation FAQ

What Makes a Successful Digital Transformation?

Successful digital transformations involve a combination of strategic planning, technological integration, cultural alignment, and continuous improvement. Here are some key factors that contribute to an effective digital transformation:

  1. Clear Vision and Strategy: A well-defined vision and strategy for digital transformation is essential. The organization needs to clearly articulate why it’s pursuing transformation, what goals it aims to achieve, and how digital technologies will enable those objectives.
  2. Leadership Commitment: Strong commitment and support from top leadership are crucial. Leaders should not only champion the transformation but also actively participate in it, setting an example for the rest of the organization.
  3. Cultural Shift: A shift in organizational culture is often necessary to embrace change and innovation. The workforce should be encouraged to be open to new ideas, learn new skills, and collaborate across teams.
  4. Agile Approach: An agile mindset allows for flexibility and quick adjustments in response to changes in the market or technology landscape. This approach can help the organization adapt more effectively.
  5. Technology Integration: Choosing the right technologies that align with the organization’s goals is key. This involves not just implementing new tools but also integrating them seamlessly into existing processes.
  6. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Utilizing data analytics to inform decisions can lead to more informed strategies and optimization of processes. Data-driven insights help refine and adjust transformation efforts.
  7. Customer-Centric Focus: Understanding and meeting customer needs through digital channels is paramount. Transformations should result in improved customer experiences and interactions.
  8. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Breaking down silos and encouraging collaboration among different teams and departments can foster innovation and holistic transformation efforts.
  9. Change Management: Effectively managing change is essential to help employees adapt to new processes, tools, and ways of working. Communication and training are vital components.
  10. Continuous Learning: The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Encouraging a culture of continuous learning helps employees stay updated with the latest technologies and trends.
  11. Measurable Outcomes: Defining key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to track progress is essential. Measuring the impact of the transformation helps to understand its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.
  12. Iterative Improvement: Digital transformation is not a one-time project but an ongoing process. Regularly reviewing, assessing, and refining strategies ensures that the organization remains relevant and competitive.

Ultimately, an effective digital transformation is a holistic endeavor that involves aligning technology, people, and processes toward a common goal of improved efficiency, enhanced customer experiences, and sustained growth.

What are some Good Examples of Successful Digital Transformations?

  1. Amazon: Amazon’s transformation from an online bookstore to a global e-commerce and technology powerhouse is a prime example. Their focus on customer-centricity, efficient supply chain management, and innovative use of technology has reshaped the retail industry.
  2. Netflix: Netflix disrupted the entertainment industry by transitioning from a DVD rental service to a streaming platform. By leveraging data analytics for content recommendations and creating original content, they transformed the way people consume media.
  3. McDonald’s: McDonald’s embraced digital technology to enhance customer experiences. They introduced self-service kiosks, mobile ordering and payments, and digital menu boards. These innovations streamlined ordering processes and improved convenience.
  4. Starbucks: Starbucks utilized mobile apps for ordering and payment, loyalty programs, and personalized offers. This digital strategy enhanced customer engagement and created a seamless in-store experience.
  5. Domino’s Pizza: Domino’s turned its focus to digital platforms for ordering and tracking deliveries. Their “Pizza Tracker” app and investments in digital infrastructure significantly improved the customer experience and delivery efficiency.
  6. General Electric (GE): GE underwent a transformation with its “Industrial Internet” initiative. They incorporated sensors and data analytics into their industrial equipment, enabling predictive maintenance and optimizing operations.
  7. Walmart: Walmart’s digital transformation involved leveraging technology to enhance inventory management, implement efficient supply chain systems, and provide e-commerce capabilities to compete in the online retail space.
  8. Adobe: Adobe shifted from a traditional software sales model to a subscription-based cloud model with Adobe Creative Cloud. This transition provided continuous updates, improved user experiences, and a more predictable revenue stream.
  9. Nestlé: Nestlé incorporated digital technologies into its manufacturing processes, supply chain management, and customer engagement. Their “Smarties” initiative used sensors and data analytics to improve factory operations and product quality.
  10. Delta Air Lines: Delta invested in digital technologies to improve customer experiences and operational efficiency. They introduced mobile apps for check-in, real-time baggage tracking, and predictive maintenance for their aircraft.

These examples demonstrate various approaches to digital transformation, including optimizing operations, enhancing customer experiences, and developing new business models. Each company’s success stems from their ability to strategically integrate digital technologies into their core strategies and operations.

Can Artifical Intelligence Help with Digital Transformation?

Certainly, Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in facilitating an organization’s transformation. Integrating AI into digital transformation initiatives empowers businesses to revolutionize their digital initiatives, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness across various processes. AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, enable organizations to analyze vast datasets and extract valuable insights, which in turn drive more informed decision-making during the course of their transformation journey. Moreover, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants bolster engagement through various digital channels, providing personalized and responsive interactions that contribute significantly to the success of an organization’s digital transformation efforts.

How Do I Help my older staff members integrate new Technologies into their workflow?

Often times human transformation goes hand in hand with the digital side. New technology like artificial intelligence, social media, touch screens and complex interfaces can be difficult to adjust to.

New digital tools and new advanced technologies, either software or hardware, can be difficult for anyone, never mind older generations that didn’t grow up in the tech era.

Communication is critical, and leadership qualities are essential.
Assisting older staff members in seamlessly integrating new technologies into their workflow involves a thoughtful approach:

  1. Training and Education: Provide comprehensive training sessions tailored to the needs and pace of older employees. Offer hands-on workshops, online tutorials, and one-on-one guidance to ensure they gain confidence in using the new technologies.
  2. Clear Relevance: Explain how the new technologies directly benefit their work tasks and overall productivity. Highlight specific examples of how these tools can simplify their tasks, save time, and improve outcomes.
  3. Patience and Support: Be patient and empathetic towards their learning curve. Offer continuous support through help desks, dedicated tech support, and a supportive environment where they can freely ask questions without fear of judgment.
  4. Peer Mentorship: Pair them with colleagues who have successfully integrated the technologies. Peer mentorship can provide a comfortable and relatable learning experience.
  5. Gradual Implementation: Introduce the new technologies incrementally, allowing older staff members to adapt step by step rather than overwhelming them with a sudden overhaul.
  6. User-Friendly Interfaces: Choose user-friendly tools with intuitive interfaces. Avoid complex platforms that may discourage adoption.
  7. Customization: Allow them to customize settings according to their preferences. This fosters a sense of ownership and control over the technology.
  8. Feedback Loop: Encourage regular feedback. Listen to their concerns, suggestions, and challenges, and use this input to refine the integration process.
  9. Recognition and Incentives: Recognize their efforts and accomplishments in adapting to the new technologies. Offer incentives or acknowledgment to motivate their engagement.
  10. Open Dialogue: Maintain an open dialogue where they can openly express their reservations and uncertainties. Address their concerns with empathy and reassurance.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers older staff members to embrace and effectively utilize new technologies in their daily workflow.